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A member registered Nov 05, 2023

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Uni comments · Replied to Kc00 in Uni comments
(1 edit)

It warns, sure, but in a way that puts words in my mouth, and lets you play way too much of the admittedly slow game before finally throwing the choice at you. The game feels like it cannot decide between you playing a generic self insert and a specific character, taking great effort in using vague/generic dialogue to immerse you in the game, but then also often deciding what you say, think, and feel for you, which is jarring to say the least. Im forced to have a zealous hatred for cargo shorts, forced to feel jealous when I select otherwise, forced to feel guilt and having beliefs about monogomy, forced to into a hang out that that is written to skip work like a previous opt in scene like it, just so i can force its cruel choice, and not be given any real say in the matter, and dragging the whole thing out instead of getting on with it, like if fluff content was made of fiberglass. If it went one way or the other there wouldnt be much of an issue.

The game clearly wants to be a suffering game, between the above, and many scenes being opt in misery content, with the opting out routes feeling lacking in much content, which to each there own. But it feels like the game wants to be less vn game, and more tragedy novel. I just wish it would stop jerking me around, and either give me real choices and stop telling me how I feel, or give me a novel.

Which is all a shame, because I adore the characters, and wish there was a better way thru the game. As I said before, oh well.

(2 edits)

Was enjoyable, until it chose to be a forced monogamy sim. I will also note the odd amount of sadism the creator has against the player/mc. Kind of disappointed, but oh well.